When my girlfriend and I got the great news we were finally pregnant, both of us were really excited. We decided to attend birthing classes a little ways down the road all; it would be a fantastic way for she and I to be ready for the birth of our child. My girlfriend and I attended a few classes and they were great. Thanks to the classes, my girlfriend and I were feeling a lot more prepared to be parents. Well there was something going on with the climate control system the next time she and I opted to go to the birthing class. It was really cold inside the building. If the oil furnace wasn’t really working in the middle of the Winter, this was unacceptable. With my girlfriend being in such a delicate condition, I demanded to know exactly what was being done about the climate control system. They stated that they had a Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman on the way. Despite this, they couldn’t tell myself and the others exactly when he would be there… For all I knew, he could have been there a few minutes from then to service the oil furnace, or it could take him an hour or longer to arrive. I decided to take my girlfriend of her number favorite sushi houses instead… She was thrilled about this, but she ordered something odd that she has never ordered before. She said that the baby must have been craving it because she agreed it was something she doesn’t normally eat. I just shrugged it off. In no time, were laughing about how scared the people at the class seemed to be when I was freaking out about the oil heater not really working. Despite this my girlfriend and I knew they would get the situation under control. She and I would be back to the birthing classes in no time at all.