Our son, Paul, wanted a place of his own, when he started going to university. He wanted to focus on his studies. My husband plus I thought this was a good idea, so we agreed that we would pay for his rental apartment, but he had to keep up with everything including the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C method repair. I emphasized that he better change the air filters every week plus call the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C supplier for tune-ups twice per year.
Well after the first year of Paul living in this rental house we were paying for, we discovered that he wasn’t keeping up with the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C method repair at all. I couldn’t believe how horrible the air quality was in his place! He didn’t even change the air filter once! He was trying to say that it wasn’t anything big plus he would be going on the way he was. I told him this wasn’t up for debate! He was not only putting his health at risk but he was also risking destroying the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C component, which he would have to pay for if he ruined the system!
When I told Paul how much Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C systems cost, and this news allerted him to the severity of the situation. I also told him that those overpriced energy bills he was paying, would be significantly cheaper if he was changing his air filters correctly! Not to mention the air quality would be a great deal better. He honestly thought that energy bills were supposed to be that high. I told him if he didn’t keep up with that repairs, we were no longer going to pay the rent for his apartment.