About six months ago, I stood in the restroom of my home, staring down the brown grout that lay between our pale white tiles. I was so tired of our floors looking filthy, so I had the bright plan to pull out all of the old grout from the floor and drop in new grout! I had the grout bought and I was getting ready to do the job, though I knew it was going to be a long and troublesome task. I also knew I couldn’t live with that ugly brown in the tiles a day longer! I just felt as though the floors looked filthy all the time, so I was all ready to start pulling all of the grout out. Coincidentally my phone rang, and though I almost ignored the phone call, curiosity got the better of me. I reached for the phone, and my son (an operator for a local carpet cleaning business) said he had a feeling he needed to give myself a call. I told him about the grout, and so he laughed and laughed. He said the neighbor had told him about the brown grout, as well as how he had tried to clean it out, but with no success. Having been wondering how long it would take before I had decided to do this task, I suppose he knew me well! He told myself they had some compounds that would allow me to paint the grout a different color. If some of the paint got onto the tiles, those tiles could be cleaned quickly. It wouldn’t affect the grout! She sent the same young lady to the house, and did the task. I couldn’t wrap my head around how clean the floor looked now!