I decided to recently invest in a thermostat replacement. I am amazed at the improvements that have been made to thermostat control units in the last few years. Because the control device connects to wireless, I can access all of the features from my phone or iPad. Whether I’m laying on the couch, on getaway vacation or anywhere, I constantly have access to the heater both as well as the cooler as well as a/c. I never waste energy maintaining an empty house at the perfect temperature, as well as I never come home to overheated or chilly conditions. Plus, the thermostat automatically built a program according to my usual schedule as well as adjusts accordingly. The thermostat control device also features sensors situated in the various rooms that detect whether the space is empty or occupied. I like that the system keeps track of the household energy usage as well as offers tips to help myself save money. It also reminds me when it’s time to clean the filter or call for service. This feature ensures that I take better care of my furnace as well as a/c, as well as avoid needless malfunctions! The display on the thermostat is touchscreen, customizable as well as entirely user-friendly. I can check the outside temperature, humidity levels, as well as get a weather forecast from it.