It’s pretty cool how these popular reality shows have been proliferating for the last two decades or so. Even if you aren’t a complete fan of reality shows there is regularly some topic or family which may grab your attention for a couple of binge weekends. I like medically focused or serious reality shows. The type of shows where a TV crew follows a day in a life of some mom with more than five toddlers. Or our number one is a weightloss journey of folks who have become morbidly obese. I’m not sure why this draws myself and others to these kinds of shows. I suppose I’m looking for any lesson in their story of either how not to be or what they did or how to manage a truly challenging situation. I try to find a lesson or some prevention for every life process even with our condo systems like our heating and cooling system. The heating and air conditioning proposal has to have some very routine services performed on it in order to prevent damage. One of the routine services which had to be performed on the heating and air conditioning unit was to be changed or cleaned the filter weekly. The hour service which had to be performed on a semi yearly basis was the cleaning of the air condenser cabinet outside. The air condenser unit must be cleaned in order to allow solid airflow into the air conditioning unit inside. If while I was in the Winter outside items are set next to the condenser they need then be removed before the air conditioning unit is used during the summertime. The air condenser may also be sprayed with the water hose to remove any dirt accumulation of the sides of the unit plus on the foils.