When you drive all around the country filming like we do, comfort is an absolute necessity. You can’t guarantee this in most aspects of your travel. Your AC or heating in your car could break down. The weather can change in the middle of a shoot and leave you unprepared for the elements. All of these things can add up and sour your mood real quick, so you need to come in prepared for anything, not just in attire but in mood. You need to be pretty unflappable to shoot on location across the world like we do. The important thing to remember is that you can cool down or warm up later once you get back to the hotel, and until then, the show must go on. We make sure of this by keeping a list of hotels that always have great HVAC, and only staying in those places. When we’ve have a long hot day driving across the desert, there is nothing better than a cold a shower and a perfectly air conditioned bedroom to sleep in that night. Then when it’s bitterly cold and we’ve been up filming all night, there is nothing better than coming home to a boiling hot shower and a nice toasty warm hotel room to collapse in and crash for at least four hours. HVAC systems may seem inconsequential, but I’m telling you they’ve kept all of us from having what would have been some pretty horrible fights. Having proper heating and cooling systems is a necessity for our sanity, and lets us keep doing our best work possible.