How much the HVAC costs

Just a few weeks ago, my spouse as well as I needed to hire an Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier. The two of us purchased an old ramshackle farmhouse, as well as the people I was with and I needed to replace the ancient central temperature control system. This Farm  home came with a central oil furnace, but there was no kind of air conditioning system unit. My spouse as well as I wanted to be capable of distributing heat as well as freezing air, so the people I was with and I contacted an Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier to help. The Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier gave us a long list of ideas. My spouse as well as I decided to replace the entire heating as well as A/C system. The 2 of us chose a heat pump as well as air conditioner. It took a big chunk of the afternoon to install the new heat pump as well as air conditioner. My spouse as well as I spent the whole afternoon at our neighbors, so the people I was with and I did not bother the hard working installation crew. The Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C installation team finished by around 4 in the afternoon. The two of us paid the bill promptly, as well as put the full purchase price on our credit card. It was a hefty sum for the new heat pump as well as the air conditioner. My spouse as well as I bought a particularly energy efficient HVAC system, as well as the people I was with and I were going to receive energy credits from our electrical supplier. My spouse as well as I particularly chose an energy efficient Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C system, mostly because the people I was with and I worry about our carbon footprint. Last week, my spouse as well as I found a bill in the mail. The bill was from the Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier. The Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier was now demanding to charge us an additional fee, separate from the installation services. My spouse as well as I were so outraged, as well as the people I was with and I refused to pay any additional fees. I do not suppose where that fee originated from, but I already shelled out numerous grand for the Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C unit.
