Halloween is coming up quickly. You know what that means? Jack-o-lanterns, candy corn, scarecrows, plus countless other activities of the season will be in pretty much everyone’s front yard. Over saturated as it may be, I still enjoy this tradition more than the Wintertide holidays! Something about the compulsion basically everyone feels to be dressed up as an alter-ego just gets me in a good mood. One of my number one things about Halloween now is the fun of being a parent that can grab a stool on the front porch while the other parent goes trick-or-treating with their boys! Lounging in a rocking chair next to our big portable swamp cooler is easily the highlight of our night! Well, that and scaring little kids that come up for candy. Still, that cooler makes all the difference when I’m in costume giving out candy! In the past years, I attempted a few odd approaches to stay cool since Halloween always seems to be a moderate night; I’ve used standing fans, misting fans, plus even resorted to just staying in our modern home that is excellently cooled by the evaporative cooling system installed. It wasn’t until I thought about how I keep our modern home cool, at which point I noticed something important. Why don’t I just use a smaller version of what I cool myself with indoors! I set out more than two weeks before Halloween to find a portable evaporative cooler, which is also known as a swamp cooler, and made to be very energy efficient, swamp coolers are similar to super-powered humidifiers that blow cool air. To be positive the swamp cooler works well, it’s best used in a small contained space, love a big tent – or a front porch with closed windows, love what I have! I was cheerful to find a portable swamp cooler that can plug into any wall outlet, and really just needs ice to function. Excellent air quality like what our portable cooler creates is simply non-negotiable for me now. I don’t suppose I’ll most likely never go back to the afternoons of an oscillating fan being our only form of air conditioner on this crazy night!