I love to go to public auctions and police auctions, although I hardly ever end up buying anything. I just want to go gawk plus see what sort of things are selling there and how cheap they are. I do make a purchase sometimes, but it is isn’t very often that I indulge; one time I bought an old police cruiser that was in good shape and had a huge V8 engine. Plus it only cost me three hundred bucks, so how could I pass it up? I made an impulse buy another time, too. I ended up buying a home for a tiny fraction of the property value’s worth! Well, the place had no air conditioner, nor any indoor plumbing, but for the price I paid for it, who really cares? After closing, just buying the house as is and without seeing it at all, I finally made my way out there to take stock of it. And it hit me hard just how bad the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C situation was out there. There was no A/C in the place at all! And plus, the oil furnace was a huge wrought iron monstrosity that was designed to burn only wood in it! And worse than that, the air ducts that there were had all been packed full of debris, like branches and dirt and leaves. Plus, it appeared as if the local squirrels had found their way into the air ducts and had been busy converting all the air ducts into squirrel family housing. That meant that before I could get an A/C unit installed, first I’d have to clear out all the ductwork. But of course, before I could clear out the air ducts, I would need to chase out a colony of squirrels, which would not be easy to do!