I am seriously lucky that I was able to go to university. I realize that many people aren’t able to afford it. However, the university I went to definitely was lacking in the funding department! It wasn’t that my degree isn’t even-handed or that the school wasn’t a particularly nice school. I had some really amazing times and I had some really fantastic professors while I was at school. However, the HVAC device in the school was the worst I have ever experienced in my life, and the school is a little bit older and the buildings weren’t as current as some of the other universities in the area. Inside the Winter months it would get so frosty in all the dorm rooms that pretty much everyone would sneak in space heating devices. Space furnaces weren’t allowed in our dorm rooms, however it was impossible to sleep at night without some kind of heating device. I know the school did have a heating device because some of my classrooms were actually warm, however the dorms were consistently frigid. I guess I am not the only student that has made complaints because the other week I saw an HVAC mechanic’s van parked outside of the dorm area. I assume they are looking at ways to keep us warmer without having to upgrade the entire heating device. I hope the school is able to service this complication before the Winter time season ends, although I really don’t feel that will be the case.