Tate and I had our first date in the middle of the Summer. Tate and I both absolutely appreciate the hot weather and the sunshine! The only concern is that celebrating our yearly anniversary can sporadically be a little hard. When there’s a ton of sunshine or the uneven temperatures outside or rain falling from the sky, the last thing Tate and I want to do is go outside or go out to eat; For the past few years, Tate and I ended up staying home and enjoying the chill of our brand new air conditioner. This year, I had big plans to go to a new Vegan diner in town because it was our 5 year anniversary and vegan food is my favorite. The afternoon of our anniversary, though, there was a sizable rainshower and it was around 99 degrees outside that time. I told Tate that her and I were going to go outside for our meal anyways. Tate seemed reluctant to go outside and I was concerned that I was going to ruin the afternoon by making Tate go outside in the rain, but her and I did make it to the vegan place. After Tate and I arrived, we were happy. The vegan restaurant had their air conditioner system on full blast and it was wonderfully cool and nice. The two of us sat in the corner of the vegan place and ordered a big course meal along with cake and drinks. Tate and I talked and talked due to that great cooling system.