During the year, it seems appreciate our fire supplier Crusades for checking alarms. They put a drive to adjust batteries in smoke detectors and fire alarms. They also remind many people of the importance to check carbon monoxide detectors as well. During the last year, the fire department added an additional safety check. They easily said now was the time to search radon fans for a properly working piece. It was easily a simple check. There is a window to check the radon fan, and you can easily view the light. It is easily that simple to check on the radon fan. Many people have online instructions for each specific radon fan model. Radon is unquestionably a huge problem, much like carbon monoxide gases. Both radon and carbon monoxide are smell less, tasteless, and invisible to see. Radon can take many years to cause problems, but carbon monoxide can easily kill overnight. A lot of folks instantly check on there radon detectors, especially when the air is heavy during winter. It’s hard to have good ventilation in the beach house, which could release radon build up in our home. There are a couple of radon testing kits, that can be purchased for a small amount of money. The both of us begin our brand new year, by checking on up-to-date batteries in the carbon monoxide and radon testing kit. It seems the best, when we always prepare ahead of time to make sure that these types of things will work all year. After all, they are a first line of defense against some serious issues that can occur in a beach house.