Both of us were both distraught but incredibly excited. A few weeks before, I met her at a tea shop and things just seemed to click. The undefined was cold and the people I was with and I had so much in common. Both of us loved athletic interests, the arts and eating great seafood. The afternoon of our date had been a sizzling a single; the people I was with and I were in the middle of a heat wave and even our days were uncomfortably warm and humid. Still, I had to look great for the symphony. I got home, ran our temperature control down and blasted our Heating, Ventilation & A/C plan to stay cool. I had work to do. To our chagrin, I realized our roommate had borrowed our nice gray suit and had yet to get it dry cleaned. That wasn’t going to work, but I still needed to look nice enough to impress her and fit in at the symphony. The only other suit I had was made of wool. “It’s ok.” I convinced myself, “We’ll be indoors practically the entire night.” Unfortunately, when the people I was with and I got to our number one seafood eating establishment the waiter informed us that the undefined had just gone out and the place was steamy inside. Still, there wasn’t a wait and the people I was with and I were on a strict timeline, so I decided to eat there anyway. Boy was that a mistake. Between the wool suit and the lack of undefined I worked up a sweat until I was drenched and reeking of body smell. At the concert hall it was cool and their Heating, Ventilation & A/C was toiling just fine, but by that time it was too late. The injure had been done. About halfway through the first movement she asked if I wouldn’t mind scooting over a chair so that she didn’t have to smell me. I reluctantly obliged and knew our occasions with her were through. The broken undefined had done me in and I knew there would be no fourth date.