This could be a somewhat awkward topic. But, I don’t embarrass all that easy so, on with the show. I have been married for practically fifteen years now. It is a beautiful partnership between 2 people who absolutely love and respect one another. The enjoyable fortune of finding your other half is certainly not lost on us. The 2 of us also attempt to keep energy and zing in our marriage. My partner’s latest plan is no television when we come to our residence from our places of work. Only talking, music and soaking up the cooling effects of our Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine. I have honestly taken to it actually. It’s nice to relax with a glass of wine and converse with such an interesting person every night. She has added the element of candles to the atmosphere also. And, they are essentially everywhere. The effect is honestly cool and worth the crazy amount of time it takes to light them all. The other night, as I was resting and talking, I noticed I wasn’t enjoying so much of the coolness from the Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine. I went over to the temperature control to check the temperature. The two of us usually drop the cooling machine down a few degrees when the two of us arrive home in the night. But, on this night, the Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine was totally struggling to reach the cooler temperature. I went outside to be certain the condenser wasn’t frozen over. But, it was most certainly fine. I then walked the residence checking all the vents and returns for obstruction. Nothing there either. Finally, I pulled the air filter. I couldn’t honestly believe what I was seeing. The air filter was saturated with a sooty, waxy combination. It was all those candles every night! So, if you are romancing by candlelight, you best be sure to change the air filter.