My Mom is definitely getting older as well as just doesn’t get around the way she once did back in the past. But, she is still wildly independent. Mom prefers to look after her own affairs, no matter how long it takes her to get things done. I am the closest, in proximity, to her. Visits are usually 4 or 5 times a year as that is all she’ll allow. I don’t have a grandkid for her to dote on so, she shows me the door a lot sooner. The last few visits have been disconcerting however. I notice how little housekeeping as well as other residential chores are getting done. I had to sit down with her for a bit of a talk. Trying to convince her to let me get her some needed help was almost like pulling teeth. I convinced her to at least let me get the Heating as well as A/C maintenance professional out to have a look at the entire system. There was so much dust all over the residence, I was sure the air filter wasn’t getting changed. I also noticed how several vents were covered by something she had placed down. I was distraught however ecstatic the Heating as well as A/C maintenance worker was coming. Thankfully, after he made a thorough inspection of the entire heating as well as cooling machine, he provided me with the thumbs up. There was no permanent manglement to any of the Heating as well as A/C components. And, he was able to find a few potential problems. However, he advocated the air ducts were in need of deep cleaning. While the cleaning crew worked on things, they would also seal up all the joints in the ducts. This would totally prevent treated air loss, as well as, reduce the amount of dust getting blown through the residence. I got the Heating as well as A/C machine stuff by Mom but, I wasn’t pushing my luck trying to do anything else.