I live where the weather is regularly easily sizzling plus humid. This is known as the south. It is common for the temperature to climb up into the triple digits, plus the humidity makes it unbearable. Every house plus supplier is outfitted with a cooling system, plus every one of us rely on the equipment just about all year round. I have central air conditioning installed in my house, plus my electric bills are constantly an issue. I have taken every precaution to reduce the workload of the cooling system plus trim energy consumption. The walls, ceilings plus crawl section of the house is fully insulated, plus there’s a working ceiling fan in all of the main rooms. I’ve also hung insulated, light-blocking drapes over all of the windows. When I complained to my Heating plus A/C contractor about the cost of running the a/c, he advised that I invest in a whole-house dehumidifier. He said that a/cs are not designed to combat humidity, plus that overly moist air feels warmer. This leads to lower control unit settings, longer system running times, plus higher daily costs. A whole-house dehumidifier extracts excess moisture from the air, making it recognize cooler plus more comfortable. Plus, when ideal relative humidity levels are inspected, the house is much healthier. Things care about dust mites, mold, mildew plus bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments. Respiratory infection, headaches, aggravated flu symptom symptoms, plus all sorts of health complications have been directly linked to unstable humidity levels. The dehumidifier installed directly into the air handler, where it is tucked out of sight. It doesn’t make any noise or require much upkeep, plus it has definitely paid for itself.