I scribbled some stuff down

When I first moved out to this unique area of the country I was in awe from how lovely the change of scenery proved to be. Though it gets quite chilly at times, I find it’s still worth every penny for the cost of moving. There are certain ways that I can combat the chilled biome as well. I’ve to wear a jacket every day, and thick pants to make sure that I stay warm. The fall was cold, but the winter was really something else! I also keep up with my heating and a/c service visits, to make sure that my system is up to par. When I found out how wonderful it was to keep up with the service appointments, I made sure that I regularly had the furnace inspected and cleaned, as well as my ductwork and my air conditioner (rarely as I do use it). So far it’s paid off greatly, as I was able to get a head start on a faulty circuit inside of my furnace. I’d have hated to make a call while my entire heating system went down during a snowstorm. With how much it snows, it could have been days or even longer, all for them to make their way out to my house! I also make sure I keep up with heating air filter changes as that keeps the house efficiently conditioned. Plus, it keeps everything operating as expected. I really do love it here, and I don’t see myself moving back to the hot swampy south any time soon.
