I have worked in the HVAC industry for a good amount of years now. I believe if you count from when I got my first job, it is around 10 years. Today, and for the last 4 years, I have owned my own heating and cooling repair company as an independent contractor. It has been very steady business and I have actually well outdone myself. People in the local area call me before calling their local heating and cooling company because my prices are much lower than theirs. Sure, I do take a loss in some way if you want to look at it like that, however, I more than make up for it because of the amount of business I get because of charging so low. The other week, my neighbor had an issue with his thermostat and asked if I could fix it for him, depending on the issue. It turned out the thermostat on the wall was not the actual issue, and it was his central heating and cooling system needing to be completely replaced. That was beyond my department of what I do with strict HVAC repair and part replacement. So, I directed him to the heating and cooling company I used to work for. Because I was highly respected by them, I was able to get my neighbor a 40% discount on his brand new and very up to date central heating and cooling system. My neighbor was so happy about it, and I was over the moon and the sky to have been able to help him out!