As a kid, it was hard to get any peace and quiet around my house. I had 3 siblings, more than one sisters, and more than one cousins that lived with us permanently. It was a full house, to say the least, which was irritating when it came time to do my college work. I was not naturally gifted as a student, and I legitimately needed a place of my own so that I could better focus on my homework. Going to the public library worked well, however there was a problem of what to do after it closed in the evening. The only quiet spot in the apartment was the attic, however it was hotter than a gas furnace. I mean that literally, because I could go rest right next to the loud, grinding gas gas furnace in the basement and be cooler than it was up there. I tried opening up the air vents at either end of the attic for some ventilation, however they were far too small to make any real difference. Finally I asked my dad about it, to see if she had any ideas about how I could set about cooling down the attic to use as a study. She said she would suppose about it, and then the next afternoon came lake apartment with a small, portable cooling system unit. All of us set it up in the attic, along with a little table and a chair, so that I could study in air conditioned comfort. My dad, and that little cooling system system, legitimately helped myself and others to pull up my grades that year.