I genuinely love being able to work from home, because I always know that my old Victorian Cottage will provide me with a comfortable atmosphere. I work on the computer, and my desk is situated directly underneath the heating and cooling vents. Not only that, but I also have a small desk fan that blows cool air directly onto my desk. Between the A/C and the fan, I happen to be very comfortable sitting at my office desk. Recently, it’s been very cold in the house. My wife and I sporadically updated our Heating and Cooling component, which has it working better than it has in six months. The heating and cooling component was completely tuned up, including an investigation of the electrical and mechanical components. Now that I see air, I have been trying to adjust the thermostat without my wife noticing. I’ve been trying to adjust the cooling component, so that the temperature is just a few degrees warmer. It’s the only way I can get the A/C to keep me from having Goosebumps for hours. I didn’t get away with it for long, before my wife came storming into my office to complain about changing the thermostat settings. I knew she would be able to tell that it was warmer in the house, but I hoped I would have a few hours of warmth before the complaints started to happen. This is another fantastic reason for us to add Zone control Heating and Cooling in our old Victorian Cottage. We could both keep the temperature where we like, and our separate areas of the house.