When you take the giant step of moving in with someone, you just never know how it’s all going to work out in the end. I recently experienced this with my boyfriend, Caleb, Caleb and I have been dating for about five years, and he recently asked me if I wanted to move in together. I was pretty thrilled, since I’d been wanting to take the next step in our relationship. The two of us decided that he would move in with me since my apartment was bigger. The next thing I knew, all of his stuff was in my apartment, and he was trying to take over the thermostat in my apartment. I know that this sounds ridiculous, but had spent a long time on my digital programmable thermostat, getting the HVAC schedules set exactly the way that I wanted them. Travis came in and started fiddling around with the thermostat and the heating and cooling for the apartment, it really ticked me off! He was constantly complaining about the air conditioning unit being too loud, and that the air conditioner made the dining room too cold, and that the air vents were too close to the bed. He also complained about the temperature of the apartment being too warm sometimes, He would turn the furnace down so far that it never even kicked on when it was supposed to. I ended up kicking Caleb out and breaking up with him! I never would have thought that our relationship would end this way. Thank goodness we never got married! Our divorce papers would have cited “irreconcilable HVAC system differences.”