My sister Penny’s guest room is just horrible, but I try to weasel our way out of spending the night if I can. I just hate the guest room that I am stuck staying in, however what exactly makes it so bad? First, the bed is set on these pedestals to keep it higher off the ground. I always in the middle of the night knock down the bed. It wakes myself and others up, freaks everyone in the house out in addition to I have to mess with it for hours. The mattress is real lumpy in addition to the sheets are scratchy. I could take all of that though easily. The only thing that is the deterrent to spending the night is her lack of heating. My sister Penny has a ductless mini split system. Each room of the apartment has an indoor air handler with a climate control unit. The room can be a peculiar temperature based on your preferences, which sounds certainly great right? Well the guest room does not have an indoor air handler or control unit. My sister did not bother to get a single for that room since she does not use it a lot. She only opens up the room periodically in addition to has it mooch off her living room’s air handler. However for the Winter, the door is closed and the room is given a small electric furnace for warmth. The minuscule electric heater is not up to the task though. I freeze to death the whole time I am in there. I have tried opening up the door, wearing pants in addition to using the area gas furnace right by our head, however no matter what, I freeze to death.