Last year we experienced the absolute coldest Wintertime we’d ever had in the region! It was exactly our luck that we also experienced the single worst power outage and subsequent high-priced actions as a result of them. Unfortunately the power outage completely knocked our heating and air conditioner plan offline, which pressed us to gather some assistance and work on repairing the systems to bring them back online. My wife and I called various Heating and Air Conditioning companies to secure an appointment for a heating tune up, as it was essential to stay as warm as possible while in this terribly freezing season. Most fortunately for me, the Heating and Air Conditioning tune-up didn’t cost a fortune. Even better, the entire repair only took a few hours of the day to get the heating system back on the power grid. It was just unfortunate that it occurred while in the worst blizzard to hit our area ever! The timing could not have been any worse, but at least we were able to get our heating plan back up! The bunch of us were far more fortunate than some of our neighbors, that’s for certain.