Every single time the Winter time weeks come around, I become a little bit depressed. It’s absolutely as soon as those outside temperatures lower. I hate having to crank on the furnace and deal with winterizing the house. We have to put all this plastic on the windows to keep the frigid out and we then are forced to breathe the same stale air through the course of the winter, then the air becomes super dry and oftentimes the people I was with and I have to use a humidifier just to get through it. The humidifier certainly helps as it makes it feel a little bit warmer than it certainly is, but still I wish I could be outside in the moderate weather and I long for the summertime season. I really love being out there getting a tan and not having to stay inside all the time. I need my sunshine! It might not be so terrible if I didn’t have to go outside and brave the cold all the time. I hate shoveling all that snow constantly, and then I have to run back inside and try to moderate up near the air vents. Sometimes if our hands are freezing I will run moderate water on them for a little while. I have a feeling that I can say I’m thankful for the heating method that keeps us alive through the frigid season, I just wish there wasn’t a frigid cold at all though. To be honest I’m thinking about heading out west or down south so I don’t have to face these frigid winters any longer. I feel I would be a lot happier day to day in a much warmer temperature.