As with any repair business, you have some clients that are fantastic and some you hope to never see again. Luckily for me, in my field, most of our clients are happy to see me and are kind to me. There are a few that make me want to cringe when I see their name on our schedule. One woman, in certain, absolutely gets to me, but it seems that no matter what I do she is never good enough and complains to our boss each time I see her. I should explain that I am an Heating and A/C repair man and it is our job to handle annual repair calls for the dealer. When I come over for an appointment I go over your system, change the filters if needed, and make any sudden adjustments to make sure your plan is operating respectfully. This certain buyer expects me to be a miracle worker as well. Her Heating and A/C plan is old! I say old, although I should say ancient. She expects me to fix it even though there are no parts available anymore and do so at cheap prices. When I explain to her in detail that there is only so much I can do separate from having custom parts made, she calls our boss to tell him that I am totally incompetent and that I should be fired. Then, the next year, she makes her appointment and asks for me recognizably. I just don’t get it at all. I just guess that a single morning her Heating and A/C plan will die and she will have no option but to update it. I can’t wait because it will make our life much more easy.