Meet me half way with the cooling

Just last weekend, I decided to take our family to a local theme park. Well, when we were halfway there, that’s when our car’s air conditioning system quit working out of nowhere. I couldn’t process it, just because of how poorly timed it was! It got so overheated inside the car, I had to roll down the windows and let the air in. That didn’t help all that much, since it was hotter outside. It was basically just a bunch of overheated air flowing through the car, serving only to circulate the air and keep it from getting stale! I decided to stop at a local store, thinking maybe I could try getting one of those refrigerant kits. I looked all over for one, but wasn’t able to find any in the shop. Finally, a worker there asked if he could help me. Coincidentally, I saw our overheated family storm into the business to get some relief in the air conditioned space. I had to admit, the store had a really good climate control system running! I pointed at my family as I told the worker, “See those people? That’s my family. We are dying from the heat, because we need to refill the refrigerant in the car’s A/C!” The guy felt for us, and said he’s absolutely been through that before and selling refrigerant kits like hotcakes. He fortunately knew exactly where the refrigerant kits were stockpiled, and wished me luck! After buying the kit, I went ahead and refilled the refrigerant while the A/C in the car was rendered ice-cold again! It’s a good thing I thought to get one of those, or we might have lost motivation to go to the amusement park. When we got there, we spent most of our time in the air conditioned buildings just to beat the heat. But hey, we still had fun – I’d do it all over again!

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