I was just relaxing on a nice Sunday watching some football. After quite some time, I noticed that the A/C wasn’t working. I was disappointed because I didn’t feel like calling the HVAC company for needed repair work. Then a little while later, there was an HVAC technician at the door. I looked at my wife and she smiled. So, I knew it was her who called the HVAC company and evidently she called early on that morning but didn’t tell me about it. The HVAC technician seen I was watching the football game and asked what the score was. He seemed happy about it and he quickly got to work on the HVAC equipment. It was fairly hot by this time so I couldn’t wait for the A/C to be fixed. Finally when the A/C was working again, the HVAC technician explained that he replaced a few worn parts and cleaned out the system really well. He said that I should not be experiencing any other issues and if there were to give them a call. He checked the final score before he left and he was disappointed. I asked him if he put money on the game and he said he lost on his football ticket. He said he put a lot of money on it and he was sure that his team was going to win, but they lost. Well, I was disappointed too but at least I was happy that my A/C was working and I didn’t even have to call the HVAC company thanks to my thoughtful wife!