Seeing a hockey game in the south is certainly different than attending a game in the north. I live in the northeastern part of the country. It is super chilly during hockey season. Professional hockey is a huge deal around here. We all play it, watch it on TV, and support an NHL team. Going to a hockey game is something to look forward to. Of course, we need to trudge through the snow and cold, wrap up in heavy Winter gear and spend quite a bit for a seat in the nosebleed section. I attended a hockey game in the south last January and it was a lot different. For starters, hockey is not as popular in the south. Getting a ticket was not hard or expensive. Also, I did not need to prepare for sub zero temperatures, feet of snow and the blast of A/C in the stadium. In the south, the outside conditions were so nice and warm, I could wear a t-shirt and shorts. Inside the arena, the was AC running, but it wasn’t chilly. The added body heat and outdoor temperature and humidity almost made the venue a little too warm. Attending a hockey game and getting a little sweaty was odd. I’m sure it’s hard to keep southern ice properly cold. The air conditioning system right near the ice must need run at max capacity all of the time. It takes a powerful cooling system to combat the southern weather and all the people crowded into the building. In the north, it is always chilly in the arena. The temperature outside is already below freezing, which helps. I bet the rink does not even need to run a cooling system. They usually need some heating to keep the crowd comfortable. The ice stays frozen solid with little energy use or expense. The body heat barely makes a dent. I hate freezing at the game, but it does not feel right going to a game in shorts.