No AC on school buses

Yesterday, I got a heated phone call from my daughter.  I don’t think I have ever heard her so angry at someone who wasn’t either from work, or a member of the family.  The girls had gone to school, and yesterday was their first day of school. It was ninety-seven degrees, and the school didn’t have their air conditioning on.  There were schools that were letting out after only a two hour day because of the heat and humidity and the lack of air conditioning. After a full day of school, in a school that was not properly prepared for the heat and humidity, they got on their bus to come home.  They are the last ones to be dropped off. The bus driver didn’t allow them to put down their windows, because she didn’t want to put them back up. In case you have forgotten, most school buses don’t come equipped with air conditioning. We live in the Northeast and I don’t know of any school buses that have air conditioning.  I should know because I drove school bus for almost twenty-five years. My ten year old granddaughter was red and her skin was dry. She was sick to her stomach and complaining about a headache. My sixteen year old granddaughter had the same complaint. They were suffering because of no air conditioning and no air movement in the bus.  My daughter was really angry. I know the bus driver was wrong to not let them put their windows down, but had I been my daughter, I would tell the girls to put them down anyway. Everyone should have just put them down, and let the driver get angry.

ac install