Living in the northern area of the country, I never worried about undefined. The Winter season consistently lasts for around 8weeks. I spend a fortune on running the oil furnace and keeping a sizzling home. The Summer season is normally quite short. Although the temperature occasionally climbs into the nineties, and the humidity is a challenge, I always managed with open windows, some box fans and a couple of window cooling systems. Last Spring, however, the highway department tore up the road in front of my house. It was a large and lengthy project, expected to take several weeks to complete. The road crew would begin harshly early in the afternoon, making a lot of noise. There was no occasion of sleeping through it, and the noise continued throughout the afternoon. The machinery produced crucial amounts of exhaust fumes. Even worse, the road crew created an abundance of dust. It left a dirty movie on my motorcar and flowed through the screens of the house. There was no way to keep up with the cleaning, and I was forced to close all of the windows. I couldn’t hang clothes on the line or like any influx of fresh air. I finally realized that there was no way to get through the rest of Spring and the Summer without investing in central cooling. Because of already having the duct idea and air handler in place, it wasn’t beyond my price range. It took a couple of nights for the replacement to be completed. The difference in the comfort of my house was tremendous. The cooling system not only cooled the temperature right down, but helped with excess humidity. Plus, the cooling idea filtered the air, improving the health and cleanliness of the home. While I initially made the investment because of the roadwork, I’m easily ecstatic with the central cooling system.