If you ask me, there is something about every single last coffee shop I know of in this world is always freezing cold! It is not always a bad thing, it’s just a terribly cold environment, and it’s strenuous for me to be focused on my work when I’m shivering freezing! There’s one specific shop near my work, for example, where it has to be right at sixty one degrees all year round, then the cooling system unit in that store must be top of the line, and harshly efficient – maybe they use a high-powered evaporative cooler, or dual ductless mini-split systems to keep the shop ice-cold all the time, it is crazy. That, or the shop is making enough revenue to handle the absurd electricity bills they must be facing from running their cooling system unit all day and night, then can you imagine what your electric bill would look like if you ran your cooling system method at max capacity for a week straight? Probably not, because you’d be paying an energy bill that was higher than your rent or mortgage payment! Still, I don’t mind going into the coffee shop on a warm summer season day. Compared to the subpar window-mounted cooling system units all of us have at my office, or the decades-old central cooling system method at my own home, the freezing environment of the local coffee shop is a welcome change… Once it gets to be fall, and the weather changes to become cooler, you can bet I’ll be sticking to the drive-thru window for my afternoon and morning coffee runs for certain! I hate the cold in winter!