My child has been undoubtedly out of control lately. He enjoys to constantly play jokes or be reckless at certain times. This one time he changed the temperature control machine settings plus blasted the air conditioner machine as high as it would go! This easily caused the machine to overheat plus consequently to shut down! I was so angry about this because the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine repair bill was rather pricey. This other time he was just so angry about something that happened in his school, he easily punched the control machine on the wall! This caused the control machine to easily break plus we were so angry with him for doing this! I grounded him from his video games, his PC, plus his cellphone! I had a very crucial talk with him about respecting people plus their things, and if he was expected to continue living under our roof, he easily had to get his act together because we were not going to put up with these bad outbreaks of his. I told him that he had to work hard to pay off the repair for the temperature control machine plus he also had to eventually pay back the cost for the previous repair when he cranked the air conditioner machine all the way up. So we were able to find him a job plus he got to work to save up currency to cover these extravagant costs. We were quite proud of him because the job seemed to show him some needed discipline plus it seemed he was beginning to understand the value of currency. When he had the currency to pay us back for the serious damages he caused, he apologized about what he did plus said it would never happen again. We were totally astonished plus couldn’t even believe that was our kid!