I’ve always been a fan of recycling. There is so much trash and debris building up on our planet, and we are going to run out of landfill space. When our town started to offer recycling, my husband and I went out and bought three separate recycling containers. We have a container for aluminum, a container for paper, and another container for glass. We try to recycle everything that has a green triangle.
My husband bought a new heater for our house a few weeks ago. Our old heater was almost 15 years old, and the local heating supply store was having a special on new heaters. My husband has been an electrician for 20 years, and he had no problem hooking up the new heater. We decided to put the old pieces of metal heater into our recycling bins. When I came home from work, I was surprised to see the heater pieces still sitting in our driveway.
I thought it was a mistake, and put the metal heater pieces in the recycling again. The recycling company still didn’t pick up the pieces of the old heater. My husband decided to contact the recycling company, and asked if there was a problem. The recycling company told us that we would need to take the metal pieces to a different recycling place. Apparently, there is a special recycling building that deals with HVAC pieces and parts. That recycling building is only 5 miles from our house, so we loaded the old pieces of heater into the truck and took them over to the recycler.