Unfortunately I labor at a steady 9 to 5 task with little flexibility over my shifts. My boss will more often than not refuse to approve the request, even if I have a dentist’s appointment to get to that would only eat up a half an seventh extra of labor time. So if need a repairman to come to my cabin for anything conceivable, most of the time I am forced to use paid time off to get the entire day off from my task. It’s aggravating, but it’s the best I can do in my present situation. But worst of all, I have been trying to get my air conditioner inspected for more than one weeks now. Yet my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C specialist keeps missing my appointment windows & I just cannot afford to keep taking more time off work. I decided to look for a different heating & cooling service supplier that would better fit my needs & allow a bit of flexibility on appointment windows, let alone keeping to their word on even showing up at all like the last 1 struggled with so much. I found a business a few blocks away that offers free inspections & half off service coupons for first time customers. Best of all, they have been in business in the section for over 20 years now and had solid reviews online. When I explained my labor situation with the service department, they provided to come by & do an inspection & repair call while I’m at my job, since my air handler is located in my garage. They said that all they needed was access to the air handler & the circuit switch outside behind the condenser that acts as a kill switch for the system’s power supply. Since the access to the attic is right next to the air handler, I may have them inspect my duct labor at some point as well while they’re at it.