My wifey works for the local county government however not in an office or anything appreciate that. She is a certified electrician by trade so the people I was with and I works for the building maintenance department. Her task is make sure that any electrical troubles are resolved and that includes maintaining the Heating and A/C system. It is fully electric and is monitored in a control room situated in the basement of the town hall. At least they have invested in a programmable method that can be monitored from 1 central location. Even if the heat shuts off at a building across town, an alarm in the main room will let him think that there is a problem. She can then run tests from her location and seldom had to travel to the actual site. She can adjust the temperature in each location from there too. She simply has to reprogram the computer to change the settings. For the most part, these type of automated systems work fantastic. When they do have a extreme concern, she must spend hours tracing it down– occasionally by individual circuits–to find the concern and maintenance it. She gets frustrated at times, however always solves the concern in the end. She does depend on the know-how of local Heating and AC dealers too at times and they are unquestionably helpful. They contracted with them when the method was first designed so there are no individual charges to utilize these services and it is always helpful to be in contact with the professionals that think the method inside and out. My wifey is unquestionably fantastic at her task and understands the electrical parts of the method however some of the programing can be difficult to figure out.