I was perfectly excited last month when my very best friend came to the city to visit for an immense amount of time. Every person honestly never saw much more than a few days for each time. That whole. Was usually filled with distractions and different plans. Living near distant cities and both of us having some tasks honestly limits each ability to visit and Hank are the people that we regularly had a chance to. Last week things were on and she came to see the city on a Wednesday. Every one of us would have a few days to spend some time together. Fate decided something a bit different, and Tuesday came and there was some messages from my very best friend. The messages talked about the gas furnace, which had apparently broke down on my girl that afternoon. Her indoor temperature was honestly reading 41 degrees. The gas furnace and temperature control did not respond to any heating request. She had to wait for a professional heating and A/C specialist to arrive. She was stuck at her place waiting around for the heating and A/C specialist to arrived. The gas furnace needed to be maintenance, before my friend could honestly hit the road. It happened to be bad luck, because she wound up spending most of the lake condo day with the nice gas furnace specialist. She didn’t get to drive over to see me until later on that same evening. Our whole day was lost completely because of the gas furnace maintenance problems.