Quitting smoking is absolutely the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. It has been quite a few years since I last bought a pack of cigarettes, plus I still am thinking about doing it every single day… Quite often I have had a pack in my hands before talking myself down. Just walking past someone who is smoking will easily trigger a weeks’ worth of severe cravings. It is a constant an ongoing struggle, which was not at all helped by moving into the modern apartment I am in now. The last occupant had been a rather serious chain smoker, plus while they were long gone, the poor air quality was stuck behind. The air filter in the central Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment was so restrained plus black it looked sort of like a slab of gooey tar. Changing out that air filter helped somewhat, but the locale still reeked of nothing but cigarette smoke. I kept the air conditioning equipment running consistently for the first few nights, just trying to circulate the air enough to get rid of the remaining smoke particles. After a month or so, the air filters started to do their job plus the apartment smelled a little more fresh. I still felt that I could smell smoke, however I doubted myself; was this still an air quality issue, or was it entirely psychological? If it was all in my own head then no amount of ventilation, circulation, or air filtration was going to fix this smell. I need to invite someone else over, plus get their opinion on my indoor air quality so I know how to move forward.