I’ve found that I seem to be much more sensitive to heating and cooling than others, but it seems that no matter the season I can never find a way to be comfortable in any given indoor setting somehow. While I would regularly prefer to have heating and cooling than to not, I still have very recognizable temperatures that tend to make me feel comfortable, but even in the summer, I struggle to dress comfortably. Due to the fact that it is so hot outside, I will wear shorts and a tee shirt, and however, as soon as I step inside, I beginning to get undoubtedly frigid due to the blasting of frigid air. I find myself carrying a sweatshirt or extra layer even on the hottest of afternoons. I know love steakhouses and business overcompensate for the warmth in the area and make the building too cold, but no one else seems to be bothered by this, most people literally seem to be relieved. Initially, I am relieved as well, but after a few minutes to adjust to the temperature, I am usually frigid. In the winter, I bundle up in layers since I am one to get cold easily. I regularly find that I am taking off these layers one by one as soon as I get inside. I will go from being so cold to sweating bullets within a matter of minutes, which is undoubtedly uncomfortable for my body. Essentially, I wear plenty of layers year round to adjust to any temperature, both indoor and out; The only site where I know undoubtedly comfortable with the heating and cooling settings is in my own home. I find that my sweet spot is just around seventy two degrees. I wish I could prefer that more often, although I suppose that’s why there’s no place like home.