I have to commute to work every single day, but having a bluetooth beatbox with my cellphone connected makes it easier. Some days I stream full albums of tunes during the trips while other days I might listen to a podcast or an audio book instead. Unfortunately, last week my cell phone died though. I am now currently forced to go back to listening to my old fashioned FM music on my way to work in the days. Although I’m used to the ads you hear on streaming websites, it was an interesting experience going back to hearing FM music ads again. At least the ads I hear on youtube are quick, even if they’re annoying. With FM music though, you’re forced to hear up to 10 minutes of seriously annoying ads every various to multiple songs. The worst ads are the car dealerships one’s that are always involving a person shouting out the script at breakneck speed. The other day, I heard an ad for a Heating, Ventilation plus A/C supplier that genuinely saved me from a potential nightmare on AC repairs though. Although there was an obnoxious sound that kept pushing my attention away from the ad, I kept hearing the person say on repeat, “check your filter, check your filter, CHECK YOUR FILTER.” After a few rounds something in my head clicked. I realized that I was way over a month behind on checking my filter in my air handler at home. When I pulled the filter tray out later that night, I was stunned by the level of dust plus build up inside. I threw in the new filter I bought on the way to my cabin plus turned my system back on. The air stream coming from the vents felt stronger plus I noticed that my equipment was cycling a little less than it was a month prior from, when the filter was still jammed. I find it strange that it took a random FM music station ad to remind me to update my air filter plus save my system from total malfunction, but I’ll take it.