My men seem to lose everything they touch. Their socks, their ipods, their money, their charger cords, their toys, their shoes, everything! It drives myself and others so crazy! And of course, they are constantly asking myself and others where everything is plus asking myself and others to help them find their stuff. As if I don’t have anything else to do! The latest thing that they’ve started losing are remote controls. They lost the remote to the cable in the family room plus they lost the remote to their remote control car. But worse than that, they lost the remote to the little window unit air conditioning unit that their dad installed in their upstairs living room! It’s a tiny little remote control, but it’s the only way to turn the window unit air conditioning system off plus on. It’s also the only way that you can adjust the temperature control on the air conditioning unit, too! So now, since both of us can’t find the air conditioning system remote, both of us have to turn the window unit air conditioning system off plus on by plugging it into the wall plus then unplugging it when the temperature upstairs in their living room gets too cold! It’s the silliest thing. I remember thinking that both of us didn’t need a remote control for the air conditioning unit when both of us first purchased it for the upstairs, but now that it’s missing, I entirely wish that both of us could find it. It’s a sizable pain to have to think what the temperature is plus to have to try plus adjust the control unit without having the remote control for the air conditioning system.