I always knew that I should have just listened to my dad when I first moved out into a house. He was adamant about keeping up with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system, saying I needed to take excellent care of it! I figured he was right but come on, how can anyone baby their Heating as well as Air Conditioning system the way he wanted me to? He was saying that I should buy the expensive air filters on top of getting Heating as well as Air Conditioning system tune-ups twice per year. He even said that I should have the HVAC duct cleaned every single year! I must be made of money as far as he can tell. I thought all of that was incredibly expensive and besides, I had just obtained this house! So I kept up with the air filter changes, but I wasn’t paying for those expensive fancy HEPA filters like he suggested! As time passed on, I figured everything was just fine. I didn’t go for the major tune-up yet because I felt my Heating as well as Air Conditioning system was working just fine. Well, when my father came to visit, he told me that it seemed my air quality was pretty bad – he actually held his nose for a moment in my home to drive his point. He even said my house was dusty and that I should have the HVAC duct cleaned out soon, as there was way more dust than normal. He even went to check my air filter and saw that it was clean, which it definitely should not have been! He showed me the air filter and asked me why I would use such a shoddy quality air filter. I had to use quality air filters from then on, just to keep the system afloat and working as intended.