Last October, I believe it was, our wifey as well as I had a new gas furnace installed in our house. The nice little new gas furnace set us back some dollars, however all of us could not avoid replacing the highly aged one. My wifey as well as I chose a new Furnace, based on Energy Efficiency, verified client reviews, as well as overall price. My wifey as well as I performed an enormous sizable amount of research, before all of us decided on our new gas furnace. There are apparently hundreds of different types of heating plans available this week. There are so many heat pumps, gas, oil, as well as electric gas furnaces, as well as even heating plans that appear to run off geothermal energy. After much contemplation, our wifey as well as I finally got together and decided to go with an electric gas furnace. The two of us had the gas furnace installed for our home last October, as well as all of us did not have any problems for several months after that. Sometime in the middle of May, the gas furnace stopped putting out hot air one day. When all of us checked the air filter, it did not appear to be clogged or dirty at first. There seemed to be a normal amount of air flow in the system. Since the gas furnace still was under a warranty, our wifey as well as I called the company as well as told them how all of us were having trouble. They were surprised, since the gas furnace was only various months old at that time. My wifey as well as I found out that all of us had a faulty ignition switch. The ignition switch clearly needed to be updated, however all of us did not have to pay a dollar out of pocket. You know I am ecstatic all of us have a warranty.