Anyone looking around for a new home learns quickly that each house is different from the next. That is why it is important to weigh all the pros and cons and figure out what your priorities are. Someone may be looking for a house that is simply closer to work. While one family may be looking for a big yard, another may just see all the yardwork that would be required to maintain it. A lot of families are just looking to live in a good school zone for the sake of their children. These are just a few potential factors that can be considered when trying to find the perfect home. There are plenty of people that are really looking at a home’s HVAC equipment. Lots of buyers don’t even realize all the heating and cooling equipment options that our out there. Smaller houses typically rely on window air conditioning units or ductless mini-split air conditioners. Neither of these systems require the use of ductwork, keeping the home as spacious as possible. A window air conditioner does its job for one room, while the ductless mini-split system provides cooled air through several rooms, but each are viable for a smaller home. For houses up north, more families tend to focus on the heating equipment. Oil furnaces can provide the most heat, but at the cost of less efficiency. Plus, it requires a bulky oil tank. Gas furnaces can be a great option, but electric furnaces are becoming much more common. The only real downside to an electric furnace is that it could mean no heat during a power outage, which might be when you need heat the most.