A few years back, when my husband Carlos & I sold our home, him and I were required to finish a house inspection. It was needed to perform certain levels to prove the integrity of the roof, electric, & plumbing device. One of these checks were targeted at the septic system. A licensed plumber came to the home & introduced a blue dye into our drainage pipes. If the blue dye appeared in the lawn behind the house, it would indicate a concern with the septic. Since the two of us had never had any issues with our water pipes, drains or septic, the two of us were quite sure of the results. However, when this thing was performed, my husband Carlos & I were a little worried. Carlos and I actually didn’t want to get into the work, expense, mess & aggravation of septic concerns. Even a tiny problem would require digging up the backyard. I was harshly happy when there was no sign of the blue dye in the grass. The sale on the house went through well. When my hubby & I were moving out of the house, I got chatting to 1 of our neighbors. This neighbor is in her late 80s & has lived in the village her entire life. She informed me that the septic plan to my past house isn’t located in the backyard. She explained that the person who originally built the house had formed an agreement with multiple of the neighbors to have the expense of a single, important septic. She indicated to an overgrown field & told me that this was the real location of the septic.