Recently I landed myself a long awaited promotion at work as well as now everything is starting to look up. I have an excess of money easily flowing in, I get a great deal of respect at work, as well as I’ve even observed some ladies giving me looks across the bar I always frequent. In fact, things are getting so nice that I’m pursuing a residence of my own, instead of renting. I’m ready to get settled down as well as plant some roots in this community as well as the best place to start (besides the job) is to get a place of my own. It has been rather challenging, but I remain optimistic that I will totally prevail in the end. I suppose the biggest problem I keep running into is that all the residences in this area seem to have radon gas leaks. To be entirely fair, almost every residence in this particular area was built before 1900 so cracks in the foundation are to be anticipated. The real problem comes in trying to figure out the best remedy to these problems. Sealing up the cracks sounds okay in theory, but these aged residences seem to prefer shifting around as well as that means modern cracks can form at any time. I can easily get a radon gas detector or more than one for the basement, but I also wish to have something more in terms of protection. There are sub-slab ventilation systems that are able to pull the radon gas out from the sub-foundation as well as move it harmlessly into the atmosphere. My main issue with this is that invasively digging into the floor could serve to cause further concerns down the road.