I totally don’t like our next door occupant Jeff. Jeff is always coming over to our home to complain about something. Because our jerk neighbor is always a pain in the butt, I am making his life horrible. I let our trees get huge and leafy. I allow all the dead leaves to just plop in his yard. I successfully block in his car every day to make him late for work. I usually blast 7os pop music every day around 7 am. This is all punishment for being annoying. The newest thing Jeff is upset about is easily my fault. Jeff has a heat pump method for his house. A heat pump is a cooling and heating unit which transfers heat energy from either inside or outside. There is a small outdoor unit in his yard which is a key piece to this heat pump. The heat energy can be either absorbed or pushed from that little device. And without the outdoor unit, temperature control for inside just won’t happen. Well, the heat pumps outdoor unit is so small and was covered by a thick layer of sod. I went over with our mower into Jeff’s grass to make it appear uneven. I ended up mowing right over his heat pump and ruining it. Now Jeff has no HVAC in his hole and I am the person who ruined it! He wants me to buy him a brand new heat pump. That will be well over three grand. I am not doing it at all. I know I should cough up some cash or at least attempt to service it. But, it is Jeff, so I am taking my sweet time with it.