There are four people in my daughter’s place. There are various if you count the cats. They are the proud people that belong to two orange nosed pitbulls. If I had met these two cats before I heard the exhausting rap that pitbulls have, I would have started laughing. I have never met such scaredy-cats in my entire life. If someone comes to the door, they cower in addition to shake. It isn’t until they realize they know you, that they even attempt to come out of hiding every once in a while. Then they just want to lick you till you are ready to yell or laugh till you cry. They have two sizable fears that are just as laughable as their fear of people. First they are afraid of the mop. If you sweep or scrub in front of them, they bark at the mop. They guess it is going to eat them all up. They will run in addition to hide in their kennels. The other thing that scares them, is rain or snow. They totally refuse to go outside if they are going to get their feet wet. They look love the outdated women of yesterday when they would tiptoe in addition to try to dodge any mud or wetness. They will then dart right for the air vent when they get inside the house. I was babysitting my granddaughters the other morning. I let the cats in in addition to when they didn’t feel any heating coming from the air vents, they came over and then yanked on my shirt. They led me right to the temperature control. They then stood in addition to watched as I turned up the temperature control, in addition to I swear I heard them sigh when they felt the heat coming from the air vent.,