My dad had to change his career when my mom inherited an almost brand new home on the other end of the east coast. My parents moved our family way down south and while my mom is an HR recruiter at a heating & A/C service company, my dad had to take on a gig at a factory. However he used to work at a locale up north that made tofu so he was familiar with the operation. It was a complex idea that required parts to be obtained from Italy just to keep the locale in operation. Now he does the opposite, instead of making something that’s fairly healthy with a pretty intricate to process, he works a factory that produces chocolate candies. Specifically, he works in the chocolate molding department. He truly enjoys the work, his co-workers are good and the locale is always comfortable. The chocolate factory has to have a rather strict climate control system in order for the product to be made properly. Too hot, nothing sits right. Too cold, and the chocolate will freeze. Gunking up the expensive equipment. One evening when I was going to sleep at our new house, I walked into the kitchen and my dad was baking cookies. I asked what he was doing home because he usually worked nights. He explained he had the night off because the heating and cooling HVAC equipment at work had broke. He said that work had called and was having an emergency. Their second shift crew had to scramble around and get all of the product off the shelves and into the reserve refrigerators. Anything that didn’t fit or that sat too long was going to be scrapped. My dad’s team got the night off while the heating, cooling and A/C technicians worked to get cooling and heating system working again.