Some people sure are funny about spending their money, don’t you think? I mean, it seems like folks either have to incessantly save every penny that they ever earn, or else they simply can’t get their cash out of their hands fast enough. One of the things that always amazes me most is how readily some people throw their money towards their pets. It’s like they are able to justify the expenditures so long as the money isn’t directly for themselves, so they pamper their animals endlessly. I say this as a huge animal lover, myself, so don’t get the wrong idea. I just think it’s ridiculous that some folks will go to such extremes as to fully renovate their home for the sake of their dog. My friend, for instance, just had the local HVAC shop staying at her home for over two weeks to totally replace her heating system. Now, everyone needs heat, and an efficient furnace is a pretty big deal, to be sure. However, she wasn’t having this ventilation repair done because her own heating solution was lacking. Rather, she had her 2 year old furnace ripped out of the house in order to install a home full of radiant heated flooring. Not only is this heating system far more efficient and comfortable, but the overall air quality of your home is far better. You might think she was worried about indoor air pollution, including mold, dander, or pollen… but the truth is that she installed radiant heated flooring to make sure her new dog was always warm and comfortable.