The best gift I ever gotten in my entire was an media media air cleaner from my dear old mom. I used to get sick all of the time. Everytime the season changed, I would get sick in a heartbeat. Anytime there was a bug around, I caught it right away. I took vitamins, worked out plus ate only organic food for every meal. Still, love clockwork, I would get sick all of the time. Now, I never even get a head cold plus I am thinking it is because of our media media air cleaner. What an air purification truly plan does is remove smells, dirt plus debris straight out from your air quality. My media air cleaner installs right into our Heating, Ventilation & A/C unit with ease, so in the Winter when the oil furnace goes on, the fancy new media air cleaner is on. I know our oil furnace is naturally quite a dirty system. I disinfect the oil furnace filters frequently on my own plus our media media air cleaner makes up for every little thing that I miss. In the Summer the media air cleaner works nicely with the A/C system. My AC used to get mold, dust plus mildew in it due to all the moisture. The media media air cleaner even has stopped the amount of bacteria plus cleans the indoor air conditions. I then have time to disinfect the A/C plan nowadays before it infects me. Anybody who will listen to this plee, I am pro media media air cleaner queen! Clean air quality is where it is at! I want to be relaxing plus healthy all of the time, and I can only do so with my fancy media air purifier system!